날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2023-04-02 Tell Him, "The Lord Needs It" Mk. 11:1~6 고화질
2023-03-26 They Spoke the Word of God Boldly Ac. 4:27~31 고화질
2023-03-19 Three Thousand Were Added Ac. 2:36~41 고화질
2023-03-12 Lord, Give Us Revival! Hab. 3:2 고화질
2023-03-05 We Will Serve Only God Jos. 24:14~15, 21~22 고화질
2023-02-26 ChallengesAchievements Jos. 14:7~9 고화질
2023-02-19 Sun, Stand Still Jos. 10:10~14 고화질
2023-02-12 The Lesson of Ai Jos. 7:2~5 고화질
2023-02-05 Jos. 6:1~5 Destroy Jericho 고화질
2023-01-29 Cross the Jordan Jos. 3:7~8 고화질