날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2022-11-13 Here comes That Dreamer! Ge. 37:18~20 고화질
2022-11-06 The Work of the Fullness of the Holy Spirit Ac. 4:29~31 고화질
2022-10-30 Rise upWalk Ac. 3:1~8 고화질
2022-10-23 Be StrongCourageous Jos. 1:9 고화질
2022-10-16 Lord, Give Us Revival! Ac. 2:41~47 고화질
2022-10-09 Pentecostal Coming of the Holy Spirit Ac. 2:1~4 고화질
2022-10-02 Lord, Be Gracious To Us 1Sa. 33:2 고화질
2022-09-25 It is FMy Peace 1Sa. 38:1~3, 17 고화질
2022-09-18 The Grace of the Ten Commandments (2) Mt. 22:35~40 고화질
2022-09-11 The Grace of the Ten Commandments (1) Mt. 22:35~40 고화질