날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2010-04-04 Jesus Christ, the Hope of all Human John 20:19-23 고화질
2010-03-28 The Suffering of Jesus Isaiah 53:5 고화질
2010-03-21 A Donkey with Jesus on its Back Mt 21:1-9 고화질
2010-03-14 Our Praise and Prayer in Times of Suffer Mk 14:26 고화질
2010-03-07 Mary Devoted Herself to Jesus Mk 14:3-9 고화질
2010-02-28 Your Faith Has Healed You Mk 5:25-34 고화질
2010-02-21 The Prayer of Jabez 1Ch 4:9-10 고화질
2010-02-14 Give Me This Hill Country Jos 14:9-12 고화질
2010-02-07 The Way of Discipleship Mt 16:24-25 고화질
2010-01-31 God’s Purpose for Us Ro 8:28-30 고화질