날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2008-12-28 The Final Command of Jesus Mk 16:14-18 고화질
2008-12-21 Jesus Who Has Come to Us (II) Isaiah 9:6-7 고화질
2008-12-14 Jesus Who Has Come to Us Isaiah 11:1-5 고화질
2008-12-07 A Voice of One Calling in the Desert Luke 3:3-6 고화질
2008-11-30 A Second Chance Jonah 2:10–3:6 고화질
2008-11-23 Repentance and Forgiveness Luke 15:17-24 고화질
2008-11-16 Overflowing Thanksgiving Colossians 2:6-7 고화질
2008-11-09 True Thanksgiving Habakkuk 3:17-19 고화질
2008-11-02 The Passover Lamb Exodus 12:5-11 고화질
2008-10-26 Stand firm Ex 14:13-14 고화질