날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2009-04-19 The Downhill Path of Life Luke 24:13-17, 30-32 고화질
2009-04-12 Who Is It You Are Looking For? John 20:11-18 고화질
2009-04-05 Mary Broke an Alabaster Jar Matthew 26:6-13 고화질
2009-03-29 O Sun, Stand Still Joshua 10:12-14 고화질
2009-03-22 The Lesson of Ai Joshua 7:1-5 고화질
2009-03-15 March around Jericho Joshua 6:1-5 고화질
2009-03-08 Go and Stand in the Jordan Joshua 3:1-6 고화질
2009-03-01 The Truth and Freedom John 8:31-32 고화질
2009-02-22 Put Down the Stone John 8:2-11 고화질
2009-02-15 A Bruised Reed Matthew 12:17-21 고화질