날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2016-09-25 The Kingdom of God Rom. 14:17-18 고화질
2016-09-18 When you believe Acts. 19:1-10 고화질
2016-09-11 The Lord is With Me Ps. 118:5-7 고화질
2016-09-04 God who satisfies us Ps. 107:4-9 고화질
2016-08-28 Doing what is right in the eyes of the LORD 2 Kings 22:2, 23:1-3 고화질
2016-08-21 You alone are God 2Kings 19:14-19 고화질
2016-08-14 Take courage! It is I Matt. 14:23-32 고화질
2016-08-07 I will awaken the dawn Ps. 57:6-11 고화질
2016-07-31 You have great faith Matt. 15:21-28 고화질
2016-07-24 Who do you say I am? Matt. 16:13-16 고화질