날짜 제목 본문 보기 선택
2016-07-31 You have great faith Matt. 15:21-28 고화질
2016-07-24 Who do you say I am? Matt. 16:13-16 고화질
2016-07-17 Jesus who overcame temptation Matt. 4:3-10 고화질
2016-07-10 There was nothing harmful 2Kings 4:38-41 고화질
2016-07-03 The LORD will hand you over to me 1Sam. 17:45-47 고화질
2016-06-26 You will not suffer shame Isa. 54:4-5 고화질
2016-06-19 The great power of forgiveness Gen. 50:15-17 고화질
2016-06-12 Life to raise one up Acts 3:1-8 고화질
2016-06-05 He who began a good work Phil. 1:3-7 고화질
2016-05-29 Teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ Boldly and without Hindrance Acts 28:30-31 고화질